Student Leadership
Dear Islanders,
We are Alexandra, Arnav, Katrina, and Luciano, your Head Students.
Past leaders in this position have played a pivotal role in empowering students to embody the Island School Values, and fostering within the community a sense of resilience, strength, and unity—as your incumbent Head Students, our goals comprise exactly that. In addition, we strive not only to encourage students to become the best version of themselves but also to further craft an environment where individuals are better able to excel with as well as be inspired by the people around them. Island School is not just a necessary obligation before pursuing higher education—for many of us, whether we acknowledge it or not, it is a second home.
The four of us have committed ourselves to creating an inclusive space where all students feel acknowledged; we’re here for you every step of the way, whether it be through exploring their passions, overcoming challenges, or just mutual support. Feel free to come up to us in person, message, or email us for anything.
We would like to thank Hannah Wu, Airi Tachino, Ray Yao, and Hannah Lee, our predecessors, for serving as shining role models for the entire student body, and for bringing the student, parent, and staff bodies closer together. They have spearheaded the effort to elevate student agency, and we hope to carry their legacy forward.
As your Head Students, we’re so proud and honoured to be representing you in the upcoming year. We look forward to working with all of you!
Alexandra, Arnav, Katrina, Luciano